Judiciary & LLM MCQ – 13

Q.1. Which of the following is not a case of res judicata?

(a) Duchess of Kingston Case
(b) Chhajju Ram v. Neki
(c) Munni Bibi v.Trilok Nath
(d) Byram Pestonji Kariwala v. Union of India


Q.2. The term ‘conspiracy’ is defined in ______________?

(a) Section 10 of the Indian Evidence Act
(b) Section 120A of the Indian Penal Code
(c) Section 120B of the Indian Penal Code
(d) None of the above


Q.3. Section 10 of the Indian Evidence Act is based on _________?

(a) Rule of agency
(b) Rule of hearsay
(c) Rule of res gestae
(d) None of the above


Q.4. Which of the following is sine qua non for applying section 10 of the Indian Evidence Act?

(a) Reasonable ground to believe that there is an agency
(b) Reasonable ground to believe that two or more persons have conspired together to commit an offence
(c) A charge under Section 120B IPC
(d) None of the above


Q.5. Which of the following would not fall within the ambit of section 10 of the Indian Evidence Act?

(a) A post arrest statement made to a police officer
(b) A post arrest confession made to a police officer
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Q.6. Which of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act is an exception to the rule that one cannot be criminally liable for the acts and words of others?

(a) Section 13
(b) Section 12
(c) Section 11
(d) Section 10

Q.7. Which of the following section is an exception to the general theory of relevancy, that only those facts, which prove or disprove the claim or charge are relevant?

(a) Section 13
(b) Section 12
(c) Section 11
(d) Section 10

Q.8. Facts on otherwise relevant become relevant_______________________?

(a) If they are inconsistent with any fact in issue or relevant fact

(b) If, by themselves, or in connection with other facts. They make the existences or non-existences of any fact in issue or relevant fact highly probable or improbable

(c) Either (a) or (b)

(d) None of the above


Q.9. The question is whether A committed a crime in Chennai on a certain day. Which of the following facts are relevant?

(a) The fact that, on that day, A was in Mumbai

(b) The fact that, near the time when the crime was committed, A was distance from the place where it was committed, which would render it highly improbable, that he committed it

(c) Both (a) And (b)

(d) None of the above

Q.10. A, as surety for B, makes a bond jointly with B to C, to secure a loan from C to B. Afterwards, C obtains from B a further security for the same debt. Subsequently, C gives up the further security.

(a) A is partly discharged

(b) A is discharged

(c) A is not discharged

(d) None of these





1. Correct Answer: B

2. Correct Answer: B

3. Correct Answer: A

4. Correct Answer: B

5. Correct Answer: C

6. Correct Answer: D

7. Correct Answer: C

8. Correct Answer: C

9. Correct Answer: C

10. Correct Answer: C