Q.1. A contract where consent was obtained by misrepresentation is not avoidable when____________?
(a) The misrepresentation is not established by the court
(b) The party whose consent was obtained by misrepresentation has means of discovering the truth by ordinary diligence
(c) The other party has not suffered any loss
(d) In all the above cases
Q.2. A sold by auction a horse to B knowing it to be unsound. A said nothing about the unsoundness of the horse to B Which of these statements is true about this case?
(a) There is fraud by A
(b) There is no fraud by A
(c) This contract is voidable at the option of B
(d) A and C
Q.3. Which of these remedies is not available in case of misrepresentation?
(a) Dam ages
(b) Render it avoidable
(c) Insist on performance
(d) None
Q.4. An erroneous belief on the part of the parties to the contract concerning something pertaining to the contract is known as _______________?
(a) Fraud
(b) Misrepresentation
(c) Mistake
(d) Coercion
Q.5. The maxim ignorantia juris non excusat means _______________?
(a) Ignorance of law is no excuse
(b) Ignorance of law is excused
(c) Ignorant to contract can sue
(d) Ignorant to consideration
Q.6. In which of the following cases of unilateral mistake the agreement is void ____________?
(a) Mistake as to identity of the person contracted with
(b) Mistake as to nature of the contract
(c) Both
(d) None
Q.7. A contract can be avoided due to_______________?
(a) Mistake of law of foreign country
(b) Mistake of law of own country
(c) Both
(d) None
Q.8: The rule of ‘absolute liability’ implies _______________?
(a) Strict liability
(b) Stricter than strict liability
(c) State liability
(d) None of the above
Q.9. To constitute the tort of nuisance, the essential things are_______________?
(a) Unreasonable interference
(b) Interference is with the use or enjoyment of land
(c) Damage
(d) All of the above
Q.10. Which one of the following include “Private nuisance”?
(a) Obstructions to light and/or air
(b) Wrongful escape of fuel Gas
(c) Noise, Water filth, germs etc.
(d) All of them
1. Correct Answer: B
2. Correct Answer: D
3. Correct Answer: A
4. Correct Answer: C
5. Correct Answer: A
6. Correct Answer: C
7. Correct Answer: A
8. Correct Answer: B
9. Correct Answer: D
10. Correct Answer: D