HIMQ.1. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The title is the de facto antecedent, of which the right is the de jure consequent
(b) The title is the de jure antecedent, of which the right is the de facto consequent
(c) The title is the de facto consequent, of which the right is the de jure antecedent
(d) The title is the de jure consequent and rights are also de jure antecedents
Q.2. According to Austin, the study and analysis of ______________ is the subject matter of jurisprudence.
(a) Divine Law
(b) Positive Law
(c) Natural Law
(d) Declaratory Law
Q.3. All the following statements are true regarding Hagerstrom except that _______________?
(a) He can be regarded as the founder of realism in Sweden
(b) He denied the existence of objective values
(c) He only regarded rights as having factual basis
(d) He holds that word “duty” only expresses an idea
Q.4. Mischief Rule of stature interpretation states that _____________________?
(a) A general condemnatory text is to be understood not only as prohibiting an act but also the tendency including intention and attempt to do it
(b) The Act is to be interpreted in such a way that the mischief is suppressed and the remedy is advanced
(c) The words of a statute should be understood in their context
(d) Statute must be read as a whole in order to give effect to the intention of the framers of it
Q.5. Local customs to be valid and operative in India must _________________?
(a) Be supported by certain classes of people
(b) Not be contrary to statute law
(c) Be in existence from time immemorial
(d) not have been abandoned at any time after 1189, and then re-continued
Q.6. Our Constitution does not use the expression ‘freedom of press’ in Art.19 but it is declared by the Court that it is included in ___________________?
(a) Article 21(1)(a)
(b) Article 19(1)(a)
(c) Article 20(3)
(d) None of the above
Q.7. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India was omitted by Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978?
(a) Article 19(1)(d)
(b) Article 19(1)(g)
(c) Article 19(1)(f)
(d) Article 19(1)(e)
Q.8. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India guarantees the right to assemble peaceably and without arms?
(a) Article 19(1)(b)
(b) Article 19(1)(c)
(c) Article 19(1)(d)
(d) Article 19(1)(e)
Q.9. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India guarantees the right to form associations or unions?
(a) Article 19(1)(b)
(b) Article 19(1)(c)
(c) Article 19(1)(d)
(d) Article 19(1)(e)
Q.10. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India guarantees the right to move freely throughout the territory of India?
(a) Article 19(1)(b)
(b) Article 19(1)(c)
(c) Article 19(1)(d)
(d) Article 19(1)(e)
1. Correct Answer: A
2. Correct Answer: B
3. Correct Answer: C
4. Correct Answer: B
5. Correct Answer: B
6. Correct Answer: B
7. Correct Answer: C
8. Correct Answer: A
9. Correct Answer: B
10. Correct Answer: C