Q.1. Savigny’s view of the law -was first presented in the famous pamphlet “Of the Vocation of our Age for Legislation Jurisprudence”. This pamphlet was ____________________?
(a) A reaction against natural law theory
(b) A reaction against the analytical theory of John-Austin
(c) A reaction to the proposal made by Professor A.F.J. Thibaut for the codification of the laws and customs of the German States on the basis of Roman Law and Napoleonic code
(d) A suggestion for the codification of the laws and customs of the German States on the basis of Roman law as Roman law had become the Germanic Volksgeist
Q.2. Consider the following statements:
1.Law is not made, but is already available in the soul of human beings
2.The nature of legal system is a reflection of spirit of the people
3.Law grows with the growth and strength with the strength of the people
4.Customary law dies when law is codified
Which of the statements given above arc related to the “Volkegeist” theory pro pagated by Savigny?
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 4
Q.3. With regard to absolute privileges which is incorrect?
(a) Parliamentary proceedings
(b) Judicial proceedings
(c) Court marshal proceedings
(d) Administrative Tribunal Proceedings
Q.4. An action for trespass means_____________________?
(a) No leave and license
(b) Prescription
(c) No self-defence
(d) All of these
Q.5. Natural rights, which is incorrect?
(a) It is a right to support the land
(b) It is a riparian right
(c) It is a right to free excess of light and air
(d) It is not a right of privacy
Q.6. Torts purely affecting movable property means_____________?
(a) Trespass to the goods
(b) Wrongful transaction
(c) Wrongful detention
(d) All of the above
Q.7. Nuisance as defined in law of torts response which is incorrect:
(a) It is not related to public
(b) It is related to public
(c) It is related to private
(d) None of above
Q.8. In case of joint promises tender of performance can be made to____________?
(a) Only senior one
(b) Person having largest share
(c) Any of them
(d) Person having power of attorney
Q.9. A contract need not be performed when _________________?
(a) Its performance becomes impossible
(b) Promisee dispenses with or remits, wholly or in part performance
(c) Refusal of promise to extend reasonable facility for due performance of the contract.
(d) In any or all the above cases
Q.10. In which of the following cases time is the essence of the contract?
(a) Where parties to the contract have expressly agreed to treat it as such
(b) Where the nature of the transaction and intention of the parties were such that the performance within stipulated time was essence
(c) Both
(d) None
1. Correct Answer: C
2. Correct Answer: A
3. Correct Answer: D
4. Correct Answer: A
5. Correct Answer: D
6. Correct Answer: A
7. Correct Answer: A
8. Correct Answer: C
9. Correct Answer: D
10. Correct Answer: C