Static GK for Judiciary – 10

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Q.1. Grey and brown soils are mostly found in ____________?

(a) Maharashtra and Karnataka

(b) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

(c) Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh

(d) Rajasthan and Gujarat


Q.2. Where is RSS head office situated?

(a) Delhi

(b) Kolkata

(c) Mumbai

(d) Nagpur


Q.3. Kautilya or Chanakya was the Prime Minister of which Emperor?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

(b) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(c) Samudragupta

(d) Harsha


Q.4. The Benami Transaction (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016 came into effect from___?

(a) 1st November, 2016

(b) 1st January, 2016

(c) 1″ April, 2016

(d) 1st March, 2016


Q.5. Who convened the fourth Buddhist Council?

(a) Ajatashatru

(b) Ashoka

(c) Kanishka

(d) Harsha


Q.6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(a) Coir Board —— Thiruvananthapuram

(b) Spice Board —— Cochin

(c) Coffee Board —- Bengaluru

(d) Tea Board ——– Kolkata


Q.7. The writer of AbhigyanShakuntalam is__________?

(a) Kalidasa

(b) Tulsidasa

(c) Banabhatta

(d) Chand Bardai


Q.8. Which State has published the first ‘National Register of Citizens (NRC)’ of India?

(a) Sikkim

(b) Tripura

(c) Assam

(d) Goa


Q.9. The largest salt- producing State in India is _________?

(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Gujarat

(d) Maharashtra


Q.10. Which expressway has been named as ‘AtalPath’ ?

(a) Agra-Lucknow expressway

(b) Purvanchalexpresswary

(c) Bundelkhand expressway

(d) Yamuna expressway




Answers with Explanations

1.Correct Answer: D

Explanation- Rajasthan and Gujarat Hence Option D is correct.


2.Correct Answer: D

Explanation- TheRashtriyaSwayamsevakSangh, abbr.RSS, is an Indian right-wing, Hindu nationalist, paramilitary volunteer organisation. The RSS is the progenitor and leader of a large body of organisations called the SanghParivar, which have presence in all facets of the Indian society. RSS was founded on 27 September 1925.The head office of the RSS is situated in Nagpur Hence Option D is correct.


3.Correct Answer: A

Explanation- Chandragupta Maurya

Chanakya (l. c. 350-275 BCE, also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta) was prime minister under the reign of Chandragupta Maurya (r. c. 321-c. 297 BCE), founder of the Mauryan Empire (322-185 BCE). Hence Option A is correct.


4.Correct Answer: A

Explanation- Through introduction of The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016, w.e.f. 1st November, 2016, the UnamendedBenami Act was amended wherein the sections were increased from 9 to 72 sections and the name of the said UnamendedBenami Act was also changed to The Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions. Hence Option A is correct.


5.Correct Answer: C

Explanation- Kushan emperor Kanishka

The Fourth Buddhist Council of the Sarvastivada tradition is said to have been convened by the Kushan emperor Kanishka (r. CE 78 to CE 105), perhaps at Harwan, near Srinagar, Kashmir.Hence Option C is correct.


6.Correct Answer: A

Explanation- The Coir Board is a statutory body established by the Government of India under the Coir Industry Act 1953 (No. 45 of 1953) for the promotion and development of the coir (coconut fibre) industry in India. It is based in Kochi and Alappuzha.Hence Option A is correct.


7.Correct Answer: A

Explanation- Plausibly the greatest Sanskrit maestro, MahakaviKalidas wrote AbhigyanShakuntalam nearly 2,500 years ago. This immortal love story is also the bedrock foundation of India’s rich socio-cultural edifice. The story has been described in the form of a play. Hence Option A is correct.


8.Correct Answer: C

Explanation- state of Assam

The NRC first gained national prominence with its implementation in the northeastern state of Assam, but the citizens’ registry is fuelling fear and panic in the nation. Hence Option C is correct.


9.Correct Answer: C

Explanation- state of Gujarat

The majority of India’s salt production can be traced to one region: the west central-state of Gujarat. With more than 50 percent of salt workers located in Gujarat, the state accounts for almost three-quarters of the country’s annual salt production.Hence Option C is correct.


10.Correct Answer: C

Explanation- Yogi Adityanath led BJP government has namedBundelkhand Expressway as “Atal Path” in the memory of former Prime Minister AtalBihari Vajpayee. The Expressway pass through Bateshwar, Agra, the ancestral village of the former PM. Hence Option C is correct.