Judiciary & LLM MCQ – 15
Q.1. What is the difference between clauses (1) and (2) of Section 44 Cr.P.C.? (a) Under clause (1) the Magistrate has been given power to
Q.1. What is the difference between clauses (1) and (2) of Section 44 Cr.P.C.? (a) Under clause (1) the Magistrate has been given power to
Q.1. The expression ‘civil nature’ is ____________ the expression ‘civil procedure’? (a) Wider than (b) Narrower than (c) Similar to (a) None of the above
Q.1. Which of the following is not a case of res judicata? (a) Duchess of Kingston Case (b) Chhajju Ram v. Neki (c) Munni Bibi
Q.1. Who among the following is considered to be “father of English Jurisprudence”? (a) Bentham (b) Austin (c) Savigny (d) Ihering Q.2. The plaintiff,
Q.1. Private arbitration is also described as___________? (a) Domestic arbitration (b) Integral arbitration (c) Fast track arbitration (d) Consensual arbitration Q.2. Part I of
Q.1. Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution deals with the sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution? (a) Article 85 (b) Article 82
Q.1. According to Salmond, every legal right________________? (a) Cannot be vested in a person (b) Is availed against a person, upon whom lies the correlative
Q.1. Attachment of property of person absconding is covered under_______________? (a) Section 83 Cr. P.C (b) Section 89 Cr. P.C (c) Section 90 Cr. P.C
Q.1. ‘Judgment’ is defined under _________ of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908? (a) Section 2(6) (b) Section 2(4) (c) Section 2(5) (d) Section 2(9)
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